Monday, May. 07, 1928

Loree & Atterbury

Last week Leonor Fresnel Loree was 70 years old and last week he sold his threat of a fifth Eastern railroad system for $63,000,000 and the assurance that his Delaware & Hudson would not be obliterated by the New York Central, the Pennsylvania, the Baltimore & Ohio or the Van Sweringen group.

President William Wallace Atterbury of the Pennsylvania paid Mr. Loree the $63,000.000 and received Mr. Loree's controlling stock of the Wabash and his almost-half interest in the Lehigh Valley. Mr. Loree was satisfied and the four systems finally could organize themselves, parceling out the lesser Eastern railroads somewhat after this order:

1) New York Central would take the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western, the Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh, the Wheeling & Lake Erie, and the Chicago & Eastern Illinois, or the Chicago & Alton.

2) Pennsylvania would take the Lehigh Valley, the Chicago & Eastern Illinois or Chicago & Alton, trackage rights along Lake Erie, the Norfolk & Western, use of the Virginian. . . .

3) Baltimore & Ohio would take the Reading, the Jersey Central, the Western Maryland, the Wabash, use of the Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh and of the Monon.

4) Van Sweringens (now Chesapeake & Ohio) would take the Chesapeake & Ohio, Hocking Valley, the Nickel Plate, the Pere Marquette, the Erie, the Pittsburgh & West Virginia, and share in the Lehigh Valley and Wheeling & Lake Erie. . . .

5) Delaware & Hudson would be owned and used by all four as a "bridge" line for traffic into New England.