Monday, Apr. 16, 1928

Brown Prince

Briskly, and yet with due reverence, Crown Prince Umberto of Italy came unto Jerusalem last fortnight. The pilgrimage was made to top off an East African tour which His Royal Highness has just made through Italian Somaliland. Afric suns have burned him to a deep-toned brown.

Most inappropriately, the Most Catholic Crown Prince found in Jerusalem a gathering of potent Protestants. Lecturing and speechifying to one another, they constituted the International Missionary Council (see RELIGION).

Honor was done to brown Umberto, however, by three personages: 1) British High Commissioner for Palestine Baron Plumer, who entertained him at Government House; 2) Patriarch Monsignor Barlassina (Roman Catholic), who donned a great purple robe and blessed Umberto; 3) good Father Aurelio Marotta "Custodian of the Holy Land and Guardian of the Holy Sepulchre" (Roman Catholic), who led His Royal Highness into the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and showed him an empty tomb.