Monday, Apr. 16, 1928

Mr. Smith's Week

At Albany, N. Y., Candidate Smith passed a varied week.

P: Returns from primaries and state conventions brought the total of Smith-pledged or Smith-instructed delegates to 244. The week's accretions were New York, 86; Maine, 12; Wisconsin, 26; Michigan, 30. Returns from Iowa county conventions indicated that Candidate Smith had beaten Favorite Son Meredith so decisively that he would end by getting all of Iowa's 26 delegates. For other Democratic candidates, the standing of delegates last week was Reed, 36 (Missouri); George, 28 (Georgia). Of Arkansas' 18 delegates, and Louisiana's 20, which are uninstructed, a majority were said to be pro-Smith. Smith men were saying last week that they would have aligned 550 delegates by May 15. For the Democratic nomination 735 are necessary.

P: Flier Clarence D. Chamberlin visited Albany. "Wouldn't you like to take a little flight with me?" he asked Candidate Smith.

"No, thank you," said the Candidate. "I've gotten along so far without flying and I guess I can continue. However, I suppose I will try it sooner or later."

P: Candidate Smith and his friends lamented an occurrence in Brooklyn. There, police were obliged to arrest Patrolman Vincent Glynn, 200-lb., 27-year-old son of Candidate Smith's sister, Mrs. Catherine Smith Glynn. It appeared that Nephew Glynn, on sick leave, had drawn his pistol in an alleged speakeasy and said: "How would you like to see what I can do with this?" He fired at the stove, wounded a man, fled to a vacant store, fumbled with his pistol, wounded himself.

P: Candidate Smith and his friends rejoiced in another occurrence, near Brooklyn. Borough President Connolly of Queens, whom Governor Smith ordered investigated for alleged sewer grafting, resigned from office (see p. 10).

P: In the U. S. Senate, Candidate Walsh arraigned Senator Robinson of Indiana, who last month tried to connect Candidate Smith with Oilman Sinclair. "The Governor of New York," said the Senator from Montana, "is an extraordinary man in many particulars. Even calumny has not dared to assert that he is not an honest man. . . . The Governor of New York needs no defense from me. Nor does he require any defense . . . from any man."

P: Candidate Smith prepared to go to the Biltmore Country Club at Asheville, N. C., for a pre-campaign rest. His formal, militant debut as a candidate for the nomination was scheduled for April 17.