Monday, Apr. 09, 1928

Mr. Reed

Professing to serve party before self, Candidate Reed last week stormed afresh at the G. O. P. in speeches through the South. At the university town of Chapel Hill, N. C., he cried: "Senator Borah and the insurgents are all that are left of the soul of the Republican Party in Washington! Have you ever heard from Coolidge or from any member of the Cabinet any protest against the present iniquities? The entire crowd is tainted!"

To Candidate Woollen, in Republicanly corrupt Indiana, Candidate Reed sent a telegram asking permission to go there and speak, not for delegates but to "be of service to the party. That is my sole object." Candidate Woollen wired back: ". . . We all will gladly join in welcoming you. ..."

Speeding off to Milwaukee, Candidate Reed assailed Candidate Hoover for Wartime wheat-price fixing. "That distinguished expatriate," he called his party's foeman.