Monday, Apr. 02, 1928

Bathtub Bishop

At a religious conference at Barnet, Eng., last fortnight, The. Rt. Rev. Michael Bolton Furse, Lord Bishop of St. Albans said:

"At present there is one place only where I can secure absolute privacy. That is in my bath.* Now I read that even this privacy is to be vouchsafed to me only a little time longer. I view with great trepidation the coming of the day when by television my morning ablutions at St. Albans will be reflected on a screen in New York for the entertainment of the American public."

Scientists scowled at the ignorance of one so prominent as Bishop Furse, at the gullibility of the press for giving wide publicity to another television error.

Bishop Furse need have no fear of his bathtub scenes being flashed on New York screens, unless he wishes to install a television sending apparatus in his bathroom and engage expert operators; unless he deliberately commands that the bathing scene be transmitted through the ether. Incidently, at present stage of development, the apparatus takes up more room than a piano, costs more thar 20 pianos.

*The Lord Bishop, 6 ft. 4 in., 225 Ibs., has a large bathtub.