Monday, Mar. 19, 1928


The North German Lloyd Steamship Company last week could boast of a new service to passengers. During the past eight weeks 1,500 passengers, suffering from seasickness, had received treatment. Of these 75% had been thoroughly cured; 15% less completely aided; 10% unimproved by the care. The treatment, peculiar to the German Lloyd ships, and allegedly more effective than powders, pills & bottles, was effected by a mechanism designed by Dr. Wilhelm Dammert of Munich.

Curious laymen and eager newsmen of Manhattan last week visited the German Lloyd ship, Columbus to see, mounted on a cart, an oxygen tank connecting with two vials, containing a composition called "nauseatine."

When a patient has qualms, he summons the cart. He is fitted with a mask connecting with a vial, is instructed to inhale the mixture of oxygen & nauseatine for five minutes. The treatment is most effective if taken before the patient embarks, and may be repeated as often as three times a day during the trip.