Monday, Mar. 05, 1928

Definite Articles

In 1925, the triennial general convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church resolved to delete, from the Protestant Episcopal prayer manual, that section known as "the Thirty-nine articles," which among other things, defines some of the differences between Protestant and Roman Catholic creeds and practices. This resolution, to be effected, must be ratified at the next general convention, to be held at Washington, in October. Last week 105 more or less consequential lay members of the Protestant Episcopal Church from 45 of the 72 U. S. dioceses, signed a memorial to the House of Bishops petitioning that the Thirty-nine articles be retained in the Prayer Book. The signers of the memorial omitted to specify certain Romish practices which they regarded with much disfavor; but they made reference to "an organized movement wishing the Protestant Episcopal Church to adopt some of the doctrines and forms of worship now observed in the Roman Catholic Church. . . ."