Monday, Feb. 20, 1928
Young men and women skilled when things are slippery marched in a parade. Scarlet, green, white and warm fur-brown glowed in their costumes. Flags of the nations snapped in the snow-choked gusts above their heads. Through the storm bulky spires of high Alps sketched in a towering background.
The parade wove through snowy drifts and up to the reviewing stand where oaths of honor were taken. Germany led the goo athletes; French, Austrians, Swiss, Canadians, Czechoslovaks, Mexicans, British, Belgians, Argentines. Scandinavians, and 26 U. S. delegates came after. As the U. S. group were swearing themselves amateurs the storm passed and the sun popped out. Attendants hurried to the hockey rink and busily shooed off the snow. Spectators attended to snowflakes that had sifted down their necks. Two hockey teams in snug tights and jerseys warmed up and stood tense for the face-off. The puck was thrown in and the Olympic games of 1928, winter sports section at St. Moritz, Switzerland, comprising skating, skiing, bob-sleighing, hockey, were declared in progress.
U. S. visitors viewed hockey apathetically, since this country entered no team and the Canadian six was obviously unbeatable by Europeans. Norway took opening honors with victory in the military patrol ski test. Twenty miles racing through steep mountain passes with rifles, rations and field equipment did for a French entrant who was carried in by his team companions delirious with exhaustion. Popular protests forecast cancellation of the cruel test in future games. Norwegians also won opening honors in speed skating with Finland on their steel heels, U. S. third.