Monday, Feb. 20, 1928

"In Colorado"

The western patch of the bituminous mess, in the coalfields of South Eastern Colorado (TIME, Dec. 5, Jan. 30), still smoldered.

The I. W. W., fomenters of the strike in Colorado, sued State police officers and Mayor John J. Pritchard of Walsenburg, Colo., for raiding the I. W. W. hall and State headquarters in Walsenburg. Damages of $100,500 were asked--$100,000 "exemplary," $500 actual damage. While this litigation pended, unlikely to succeed, a Walsenburg court fined Emil Rozansky. a Wobbly leader, $400 for disorderly conduct, fighting, disturbing the peace, resisting arrest.

At Lafayette, Colo., State Troopers defended Wobblies from attack by an angry crowd of nonstriking miners assembled in the ballpark.

After a meeting at Louisville, Colo., a secret statewide vote of the strikers was taken on a proposal to return to work. But the effort fizzled. Without publishing a tabulated result, Chief Striker L. D. Moschetti announced that the strikers had "disagreed."