Monday, Feb. 13, 1928
"Pink" Cabinet
Up to power stepped, last week, the first so-called "Labor" Cabinet of Norway, a group of Socialist and Communist statesmen whose political complexions are if not red extremely pink. Their first act was to propose that military training shall be abandoned this year, and that the State shall undertake a national monopoly to buy and distribute grain. Has Norway then "gone Red?" To know her people is to understand how laughable is such a suggestion.
For a long time the political trend has been toward the Left, but the electorate, while increasingly enamoured of more and more advanced social legislation, retains its poise, stability, and that deep and broad democracy which is bred in the Norwegian bone, a heritage from sturdy Vikings. Therefore since the Socialist and Communist parties achieved between them 61 of the 150 seats in the Storting, at the elections of last Fall, they have been given an opportunity, which flowered last week, of expounding and testing their theories from the part of Power. Cannily watching the situation and holding a salutary whip hand are a group of enlightened Conservatives who are adding to the 61 pink votes their own and thus giving the new Cabinet a slim majority. As Premier the pinks have put forward former Speaker of the Storting, Christopher Hornsrud, veteran of many a stormy debate.