Monday, Jan. 16, 1928
Statements of the week:
P: "Hoover is the man. . . . The financial crowd has picked Hoover. . . . "--Henry Ford. .
P: "The Republican party will be victorious this fall regardless of who is nomi-nated"--William Morgan Butler, national G. O. P. chairman, hitherto insistent upon "drafting" President Coolidge.
P:The resignation of Assistant Secretary of War MacNider was "strategic" because his successor, Col. Charles Burton Robbins (see col. 3), is a Hooverite from Lowdenized Iowa--Charles Dewey Hilles, hitherto anti-Hooverish national vice chairman of the G. O.P.
P:"My candidate for the Democratic nomination for Vice President is William A. Oldfield of Arkansas"-- U. S. Representative R. A. Green of Florida.
Actions of the week:
P:The New Jersey Republican State Committee declared its ticket: for President, Herbert Clark Hoover; for Vice President, Walter Evans Edge.
P:The Ohio Democratic State Committee declared its ticket: for President, Atlee Pomerene; for Vice President, George White.