Monday, Jan. 09, 1928


In ten minutes, New York City's Board of Education raised pay all round to a total of $14,000,000, starting with Superintendent William J. O'Shea (pay raised $5,000) and ending with clerks, chauffeurs, cleaners, caretakers, luncheon helpers (pay raised $100 to $286). Only the Bureau of Construction and Maintenance, now under investigation charged with running badly built schools, was left out. If the investigation reveals nothing amiss, their salaries may mount also.

The new salary schedules were hurried off to Albany for filing and took effect with the new year--not before they had been denounced by former Mayor Hylan and by President Stewart Browne, of the United Real Estate Owners' Association. "An injustice to real educational leaders, a robbery of the public schools," said Mr. Browne, irate. Former Mayor Hylan complained that the lower paid teachers were unfairly treated.

Elementary teachers will receive a minimum of $1608 per annum, rising to $3,504 in the fourteenth year of service. (Junior and senior high school salaries range from $2,040 to $5,688.) But elementary school principals will receive $5,000--$7,000; junior high school principals $5,500--$7,500; and day high school principals $8,500--$10,000. Many a college professor of international fame commands less. Other salaries:

Position Present Rate New Rate

Superintendent of schools $20,000 $25,000

Associate superintendent 8,250 12,500

Secretary 9,000 12,500

Auditor 9,000 12,500

Superintendent of plant operation 8,500 12,500

Member board of examiners.... 7,700 11,000

District superintendent 6,600 10,000

District superintendent, as assistant to superintendent of schools 8,000 11,250

Director of attendance 8,250 12,500

Assistant director of attendance 6,600 10,000

Director of reference, research and statistics , 8,000 10,000