Monday, Dec. 19, 1927
Glum Gorilla
Chicago newsgatherers hurried out one day last week to interview Alphonse ("Scarface Al") Capone, gunman. They found him arrayed in hunting clothes at his hotel. Mr. Capone had not been hunting humans, though that is his reputation. He had just returned from a pleasure trip in the "north woods" where he had been shooting bears, deer, rabbits. He was holding a press reception to announce that he was going South for the winter. The Capone interview commanded large headlines. Mr. Capone's fame rests upon the fact that whenever-- as so often happens--a Chicago thoroughfare is raked & riddled with machine-gun fire, Chicagoans take it for granted that Mr. Capone or his men have driven in again from their suburban headquarters at Cicero, Ill., to shoot down some rival gangster who has overstepped one of the underworld boundary lines which divide all Chicago into four parts (TIME, Mar 21). So many innocent bystanders have been shot down by gang warriors in Chicago that Chicagoans have great respect for Mr. Capone. The vice syndicate he is reputed to control is supposed to clear 75 millions per annum. "Scarface Al" is proud of his record but not of all his reputation. That was why he was plaintive, even glum, at his press reception last week. That was why he said:
"I'm going to St. Petersburg, Fla., tomorrow. Let the worthy citizens of Chicago get their liquor the best they can. I'm sick of the job--it's a thankless one and full of grief. I don't know when I'll get back, if ever. But it won't be until after the holidays, anyway. "I've been spending the best years of my life as a public benefactor. I've given people the light pleasures, shown them a good time. And all I get is abuse--the existence of a hunted man--I'm called a killer.
"Well, tell the folks I'm going away now. I guess murder will stop. There won't be any more booze. You won't be able to find a crap game even, let alone a roulette wheel or a faro game. I guess Mike Hughes* won't need his 3,000 extra cops, after all. "Public service is my motto. Ninety-nine percent of the people in Chicago drink and gamble. I've tried to serve them decent liquor and square games. But I'm not appreciated. It's no use. "I've got some property in St. Petersburg I want to sell. It's warm there, but not too warm. . . . "My wife and my mother hear so much about what a terrible criminal I am. It's getting too much for them and I'm just sick of it all myself. . . . Today I got a letter from a woman in England. Even over there I'm known as a gorilla./- She offered to pay my passage to England if I'd kill some neighbors she's been having a quarrel with. . . . "I wish all my friends and enemies a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. That's all they'll get from me this year. I hope I don't spoil anybody's Christmas by not sticking around."
* Chief Michael Hughes of Chicago's police, who last week declared Chicago crime has decreased 53% since last year.
/- Professional murderer.