Monday, Dec. 12, 1927

Football Matches

At Atlanta, Georgia and Georgia Tech plunged into a mighty mud pie, fishing for the Southern Conference championship. The only undefeated major eleven in the land, Georgia (who had despatched Yale) was an easy winner in the prophecies. But forward passes, one thrown, one intercepted, punctured prophecies. Tech sloshed across the muddy goal line twice, score 12-0, took the title.

Morley Drury, captain at Southern California, is placed with Oosterbaan, Michigan; Bettencourt, St. Mary's; Webster, Yale; Welch, Pittsburgh; and Joesting, Minnesota; on nearly every All-American selection in the U. S. sporting press. He justified these judgments last Saturday by turning himself brilliantly loose against Washington; leading his eleven to a 33-13 victory.