Monday, Dec. 05, 1927

Again Sinclair

MONEY WRITES!--Upton Sinclair--A. & C. Boni ($2.50). Once again fuming, foaming Upton Sinclair girds himself beyond all reason, leaps on his lame but willing steed, and (like Stephen Leacock's famed knight) rides off in all directions. According to Upton, the successful writers of today write either consciously or unconsciously for the benefit of nasty Wall Street. Most of Money Writes! is devoted to a mildly interesting, not very convincing attempt to prove this theory. One by one Joseph Herges-heimer, Gertrude Atherton, et al., are pointed at with the finger of scorn and it is all pretty terrible--if true. Upton Sinclair has long enjoyed the privilege of being far better known than any of his books.