Monday, Dec. 05, 1927

Radio Strife

The Rev. J. Frank Norris, fundamentalist extraordinary, pastor of the First Baptist Church, Fort Worth, Tex., returned to national news dispatches last week by a means not even hinted at in his favorite Genesis. Save for local items, Dr. Norris had been out of print since a year ago last summer when he shot and killed one Dexter E. Chipps while the latter was calling on him (TIME, July 26, 1926, et seq.).

Dr. Norris has been attacking the state Baptist association of which he is not a member, utilizing the radio for this purpose. He has variously criticized the association for harboring evolutionists, for being under the domination of Rockefeller wealth, for mismanaging church institutions such as hospitals, schools, and seminaries, for inaccurate bookkeeping.

Last week the Baptist association announced that it would strike back, that speakers had been chosen to stand before Dr. Norris' chosen weapon, the microphone, and say a few words about Dr. Norris. The topic for one broadcast was to be NORRISISM AND ITS FRUITS, for another NORRISISM AND ITS MISREPRESENTATIONS. Texas radio batteries were charged and tested as Dr. Norris announced that he would send forth full replies via ether.