Monday, Nov. 21, 1927
Gimbel Cousins
Gimbel Bros., with busy department stores in Manhattan, Milwaukee, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, might well be renamed Gimbel Cousins, with last week's election of one of the founder's grandsons to command of the stores.
The Gimbel family is like an artichoke. Its stalk was Adam Gimbel who immigrated from Bavaria in 1840 and opened a store at Vincennes, Ind. He raised seven sons who huddled together in department store ownership, first at Milwaukee, later in Philadelphia, in Manhattan, and lastly Pittsburgh (TiME, Dec. 14, 1925). The sons raised their many sons, and kept them snugly in the family enterprises.
Until last week Charles Gimbel, son of Adam, was chairman of the company; his brother Isaac, president. Other brothers, their sons & nephews were vice presidents. Richard Gimbel, one of the third generation, was secretary. None of the Gimbels are sloths. But 28-year-old Richard Gimbel, nimble & active as a monkey on a swing, makes most of them seem ordinary.
Last week there was an election. Charles Gimbel wanted to retire. The apposite successor to his post of chairman was his brother Isaac. For new president there might be anyone of a score grandsons. The family chose the oldest of them, potent Bernard F., active socially and prominent in sports. Richard Gimbel must remain as secretary. He said that he could also carry the duties of treasurer, and the family put him in both positions.
*on Jan. 1, 1928 Gimbel Bros., Inc., will displace the sign of Kaufmann & Baer of Pitts burgh which Gimbel's own & operate now.
TIME, November 21, 1937