Monday, Nov. 21, 1927

Papal Chamberlain Flayed

A knight from Rome, who has opened an office in Manhattan, sent his professional card to possible clients:

CHEV. GIACINTO LECCISI Papal Chamberlain Attorney and Counselor at Canon Law From ROME has opened an office at the above address for the purpose of dealing with the an nulment of marriages in the Roman Catholic Church, and all matters pertaining to canon law.

A fortnight ago, one of his cards reached Editor Frederic Cook Morehouse, of the Anglo-Catholic Living Church. Dr. Morehouse was amazed and wrote what became the most vigorous, flaying editorial of his 31 years writing:

"And so the Roman Curia has come to this! Here is a representative of the official papal household establishing himself in New York and openly advertising that he is there 'for the purpose of dealing with the annulment of marriages in the Roman Catholic Church.' . . .

"To have your marriage rigidly scrutinized in the hope of finding a technical flaw from the standpoint of Roman canon law--which is exceedingly technical--don't go to Paris or Reno, but to a lawyer close at hand. A fee, a little quiet litigation, and obedience to the Roman Catholic Church--how simple! . . .

"It is impossible for us to think of words strong enough to condemn adequately the violation of both political and religious proprieties. The Roman Curia used to be thought of as at least astute; there is nothing astute about this. The Roman Church used to be thought of as a force in the protection of Christian marriage and the Christian home; this is a direct assault upon both. It would be bad enough if it were but the ill-considered commercial venture of an individual; but a papal chamberlain is esteemed a member of the Pope's household itself. . . . [That office] is one of intimate association with the person of the Pontiff. One cannot conceive of a papal chamberlain embarking upon such a career without the knowledge and approval of his superior. Clearly he must be sent, unless he is imposing upon the credulity of the public."