Monday, Nov. 21, 1927


It was natural that Michael Faherty, head of Chicago's subway commission, which is touring Europe on a visit of inspection, should go to London to inspect the "underground." For even though Mayor William Hale Thompson of Chicago objects to King George V meddling in Chicago politics, he thinks that much may be learned from a study of London's huge subway & tube systems.

It was therefore natural that Mr. Faherty should meet Lord Ashfield, head of the London subway system. It was just as natural for the warmhearted U. S. Irishman to thank the London official for his kindnesses by tendering him & his friends & relatives a luncheon.

But when it came to toasting King George V, Mr. Faherty thought of "Big Bill" Thompson away back home and of the pro-British history books that have "corrupted" Chicago schoolchildren. No, he could not go through with it!

"You do it," he mumbled to Lord Ashfield.

Concealing a smile, his lordship arose and, metaphorically, dealt Mr. Faherty such a blow that his surprise was visible.

"Gentlemen," said Lord Ashfield, "PRESIDENT COOLIDGE!"

Astounded that an English lord should propose the health of the U. S. President, Mr. Faherty collapsed limply in his chair, and, dazed, drank to King George V when his health was proposed.