Monday, Nov. 21, 1927



Some 5,500,000 soldiers, sailors & marines who served the U. S. at home or abroad in the War, were voted an honorarium by Congress three years ago, over the veto of President Coolidge. Some 3,100,000 of the soldiers -- or their relicts or dependents--have collected this "bonus," as it was called in the press, this World War Adjusted Compensation, as it was called in the Act. Some 40,000 soldiers filled out their applications incorrectly, got them back again, and have since failed to return corrected applications to the Adjutant General's Office. Some 500,-000 soldiers have failed to make any application at all.

Last week, Adjutant General Lutz Wahl of the Army reminded the 40,000 incorrect applicants, and the 500,000 non-applicants, that no bonus will be paid to any one--or his relict or dependents--who fails to apply before Jan. 1, 1928. The reminder was intended also for many a onetime sailor, many a onetime marine.*

Procrastinating non-applicants wondered how they might go about applying for their boni some day during the next five weeks. The simplest way would be to take the following steps:

1) Obtain from the nearest post office an application blank.

2) Read the instruction leaflet and note: a) that discharge papers should accompany applications; b) that, if discharge papers are lost, memory may serve in filling out the blank but that the War & Navy Departments and the Marine Corps will dislike it if you ask them to tell you when, where or how you served.

3) Fill out the blank legibly, honestly, correctly, not forgetting fingerprints and two signatures.

4) Address the envelope which comes with the blank to that branch of the service to which you were last assigned--to the Adjutant General, Bureau of Navigation, or Marine Corps, in Washington, D. C.

Non-applicants wondered how much money they might get if they took the above steps.

The Bonus Bill provided:

1) Compensation at the rate of $1 a day for home service and $1.25 a day for overseas service, exclusive of the first 60 days of service.

2) Payment in cash to those whose credits will be not over $50 and to the wives, children or parents of veterans who have died since the armistice.

3) Payment to other veterans in the form of a 20-year endowment insurance policy based on their adjusted service credit. On this policy they may borrow, after two years, up to 90% of its value.

*Also, many a female Yeoman of the Navy, many a female Marine, many a Philippine scout, Philippine infantryman--all of whom are eligible.