Monday, Nov. 07, 1927

Wants Rates


Kindly quote us your rate for advertising space in your reading columns.

If consistent with our appropriations, we could use approximately the same quantity of column inches which was devoted to a description of the Harbison-Walker Refractories Co.'s plant in TIME, Oct. 10, p. 34.

We too, at Valentines, N. J., own clay beds; mine, grind and mix various ingredients; press, slice into blocks, dried by air and warm draft; have a full yard of dirty red igloo-like kilns and, in short, practically all of the other things referred to in the description of the Harbison-Walker plant.

We too have brick masons slashing with their trowels to form a tunnel kiln, in which our raw bricks will endure a heat of approximately 2700DEG F., and will be fired in 72 hours instead of from six to ten weeks.

Although we cannot boast of being a thirty-six million dollar concern, we too can and anticipate making "better bricks" and could use to very good advantage a little advertising occasionally; hence our request for your rates.


General Manager

Seaboard Refractories Co.,

Perth Amboy, N. J.

Space in TIME'S reading columns cannot be bought at any price.--ED.

At Wilmington


On p. 24, col. 3, of TIME, Sept. 26, you say:

"Bridge at men's clubs is always played for a stake."

This statement is not correct. The Wilmington Whist Club is one of the best bridge clubs in the country. It is a prosperous club and has been operated for many years without playing for a stake or without playing Sundays. The system of playing bridge at the club is entirely one of individual records. These records are tabulated monthly and each member's standing posted by classes at the end of the month.


Wilmington, Del.


Sirs: Your footnote in TIME, Oct. 10, does not make clear to me just how our Chief Justice pronounces that "last-word," constitutional.

Does he speak it as I was laboriously taught to pronunciation do, -- supposedly the "con-sti-teeoo-tional" only or correct as you would indicate, without the fine shading upon the long "u" ?


Guadalupe, Calif.

Mr. Chief Justice Taft--so far as ear detects--omits "the fine shading," pronounces it "con-sti-toooo-tional" as reported.--ED.

Steel v. Brass


Glad to observe you waived comment upon the remarks of one G. H. McGraw, Woodsville, N. H., who wrote you regarding the advertisement of brass pipe in TIME, Sept. 26.

Your judgment is beyond reproach.

The artist responsible for the advertisement, at least for the illustration, may have caught the true feminine pose appropriate to such incidents, occasional as such incidents may be.

He did not prove to me that the rust-colored water was due to steel or iron pipes. Neither did the advertisement.

Mr. McGraw, like myself, probably smiled at the imaginary situation, and was reminded of the fact that steel and iron pipe, guilty as it might have been in an advertisement, has performed an indispensable service. Credit, not blame, is particularly due to steel and iron pipe, chiefly the former, for many things Mr. McGraw, myself and millions like us, enjoy today. Without steel pipe, there might be plenty of oil today, but beyond reach. There would be no flivvers for there would be no gasoline. There would be few, if any, modern water works, supplying pure water so inducive to health. Given the water works, employing chemical purifying systems, it requires no imagination to picture the effects of chlorin and other elements upon brass pipe.

But why expect a brass advertisement to sell steel and iron pipe? That would be brass on my part.


Wheeling, W. Va.

Roberts Suggested


I have read, with interest, your article with reference to Mr. William Morgan Butler's search for good presidential timber [TIME, Oct. 10].

I am writing to suggest that there could be no better man placed on the ticket as a candidate than Owen J. Roberts, who is at present of Government counsel in the oil cases, and who has been responsible for the Government securing the return of approximately $18,000,000, through his efforts on its behalf.

Mr. Roberts is a born leader, is beloved and respected by all with whom he comes in contact. Through his services to the Government he has come to be well-known in California, Wyoming, Denver, Washington, D. C., and of course in Philadelphia, where he is the leading member of the Bar, and a respected and honored citizen.

I believe that Mr. Roberts would bring victory and honor to the Republican party. If Mr. Butler is really in earnest in his quest for a good man to place on his party's ticket; a man whose record bears scrutiny, and whose accomplishments have been without parallel, he need go no further than seek to have Owen J. Roberts, of Philadelphia, become a candidate for this high office.


Senator Bingham's Story


My attention has been called to the fact that you were so kind as to give considerable space to a story which came from a Honolulu newspaper regarding some remarks I made at a dinner given me by Governor Farrington of Hawaii [TIME, Oct. 10].

There were no reporters present at the dinner and no report was authorized by Governor Farrington or by me. The story which finally appeared some two weeks after the event, purports to quote me as saying a number of things which I did not say. It is not my practice to attempt to correct newspaper stories, but so much attention has been given to this sensational yarn and so much emphasis has been placed upon statements I did not make and stories I did not tell and I have received so much praise for something I did not do, that I did write an explanatory and corrective letter to Colonel N. G. Osborn of the New Haven Journal-Courier, whose editorial was the first intimation I had of the existence of this extremely garbled account of my remarks.

Colonel Osborn was good enough on Oct. 3 to print that part of my letter to him which corrected the inaccurate statements...


United States Senate

Washington, D. C.

In his letter to the New Haven Journal-Courier, Senator Bingham's chief corrections to U. S. reports of his speech in Honolulu were 1) that he did not receive an invitation for dinner at the Army & Navy Club of Manila and refuse it when he learned Filipinos were not welcome "at that exclusive club," 2) that he did not say, "If a half dozen of the prominent white people of Manila were to invite a few of the cultured and prominent Filipinos to be their guests at a tea, the agitation for Philippine independence would die right then and there," 3) that he did say "one of the principal causes for the agitation of Philippine independence would be at an end" if wives of U.S. officials, with the exception of the Governor General's wife, would receive Filipino wives socially, 4) that he did not imply that white missionaries in China treated the natives "like dogs," but mildly suggested that Occidental missionaries "laid undue stress on transplanting nonessentials from Europe and America to China," nonessentials such as architecture, manners, customs, clothes.--ED.

In the Philippines


Your article concerning Senator Bingham and his visit to the Philippines (TIME, Oct. 10) inspires me to make a few comments of my own.

Last fall, as a member of the somewhat misreported University Afloat, I arrived in Manila for a three day stay. Whereupon the usual round of sightseeing was forced upon us, and among other things we had the doubtful pleasure of hearing a speech by a naval officer there stationed, the general purport of which was an acidy and very bitter bit of rank propaganda, which might well have led one to suppose that until the Filipinos were relegated to slavery, the United States might cease to hope for the least iota of future prosperity.

Then a certain lucky few of us, not lured by the prospects of seeing U.S. Army maneuvers, heard President Quezon and Speaker Rojas give short addresses of welcome, their words lacking rancor and stating affairs of state in concise clearcut words, totally unbiassed and totally lacking in the acidity which we had so recently undergone at the hands of the U. S Naval Officer.

A tea and reception at the University of the Philippines occurred the following afternoon. A very pleasant affair at which we American students were entertained regally with dancing, dramatic performances and discussion of everything from politics to terpsichorean innovations. After the dance, two of the young Filipinos took three of us in tow, and after visiting cabarets, and restaurants, at last reached the Manila Hotel, where a large portion of the University Afloat was dancing. Very earnest and very heated discussions had been ours, concerning the question of the Independence of the Islands. I am wrong when I say heated. There was too perfect agreement for heat. Leonard Wood was considered gently by the Filipinos, and dismissed as being friendly to, but lacking understanding of, the natives. Surely not a strong excoriation from members of a race who have been mistreated and held down constantly by his inexplicable lack of consideration for them--which is putting it very mildly indeed.

At the Manila Hotel, we introduced our kind hosts to numerous co-eds from the boat. Sometime after one in the morning our Filipino friends left us, and we strolled over to the Army & Navy Club, which we "crashed" and attended the dance celebrating the Army-Navy Game, which was occurring on that date in the United States. Dance? Drunken brawl! Exhilarating but not elevating.

The next day we met some charming people, a colonel in the army, his wife and daughter. Whereupon we were scolded as being very ignorant and foolish, indeed, for having introduced our Filipinos to girls from the boat. "But why?" Why, it isn't done! We never mix with the natives, why it would be impossible! In business when necessary, but socially, never! The whites must keep apart from the natives or the latter would be spoiled, absolutely And now to sum up and attach a conclusion to my above wordiness. We might have believed that we were the object of subtle propaganda, were it not for the striking contrast between the Naval Officer's Speech, and those of Messrs. Quezon and Rojas, for the quiet unassuming pleasant manners of the two natives, who had a poise and charm equal to any Americans, and finally for the snobbish uninterested words of the young lady and her parents.

At no time was independence urged on the part of those natives with whom we came in contact. At no time was any fair or just arrangement with the natives mentioned on the part of the Americans with whom we came in contact. A longing to be treated fairly on the one side. An acidity and tone of voice not fit for a dog on the other.

I wish I could thank Senator Bingham personally for his action. And I wish something of value might in due time --ome of it. JOHN E. UNDERWOOD

Dubois, Wyo.

Rival Cities


My attention was called to the fact that in your issue of Oct. 24, under the heading "Home Cities of the Cabinet," you give the residence of Frank B. Kellogg as Minneapolis. I cannot understand how such a gross misrepresentation could creep into a journal of your character and standing as I am positive that Mr. Kellogg never in his life gave his address as Minneapolis, and for your information I wish to give the following facts:

Mr. Kellogg's home address is 633 Fairmont Ave., Saint Paul; his residence telephone in Saint Paul is Dale 7536; his Saint Paul office is at 1512 Merchants National Bank Building, Saint Paul and his office telephone is Cedar 0453.

For your further enlightenment I wish to advise you that there is a great difference between Saint Paul and Minneapolis. While the two cities are both in the state of Minnesota, they are separated by vast rolling prairies which are still infested by hostile bands of Indians, and a journey between them can only be taken under the escort of government troops.

Any other information you may desire regarding matters in this part of the world will be gladly and cheerfully furnished by


P. S. Since writing the above it has occurred to me that you might decide to go further into the directory business, and to save you from making another error I wish to advise you that there is a gentleman upon the Supreme bench by the name of Pierce Butler, whose home was also in Saint Paul. There is another gentleman in Washington by the name of William D. Mitchell, who is holding down the job of Solicitor General of the United States, who also hails from this village.

St. Paul, Minn.

Spoils His File


I have sent four subscriptions and urged many to do so (subscribe), but I now propose to join the Critics, once at least.

I am enclosing illustrated cover of Sept. 19, 1927 issue along with the article that goes with it, thus destroying the continuity of my file. I would not care for this issue to appear in same.

I know of nothing (nor do I hear expressions of approval) warranting the appearance of "Able Mr. Kahn" on the cover page of your Magazine or the fulsome article in regard to him.

To be sure he is the son of Otto H. Kahn who has been exploited in TIME rather an unusual number of times. He is a prominent citizen much in the limelight regarding charities, music and the reorganization of Rail Roads supposedly in successful operation, but all this is "by the way" not warranting his son on the cover while there remains hundreds of others whose appearance there would interest your subscribers and meet their greater approval, and furthermore not warranting so much space given over to a supposedly musical prodigy who has yet far to go. J write with no ill feeling towards the Kahns. I have sat at banquet and other boards with the Father, who has visited these scenes a number of times. Still an admiring reader can be "fed up" on Kahns ?


Atlanta. Ga.