Monday, Oct. 31, 1927
Sneaked Away
Recalled by his government at the request of France, Christian Rakovsky, onetime Soviet Ambassador to France, sneaked away from Paris at the crack of dawn for Moscow. In his pocket was his letter of recall, which he was supposed to present, amid polite, if cool, verbosity, to President Gaston Doumergue. But M. Rakovsky did not bother to go near the Elysee Palace, where the President lives, and in order to avoid all farewells, friendly and hostile, he left in an apparent "huff" in an automobile, disappointing many people who went to see him off at the Gare du Nord.
M. Rakovsky, after a brief sojourn in Moscow, will proceed to Tokyo as Soviet Ambassador to Emperor Hirohito of Japan; for, being a friend of Lev Davidovitch (Leon) Trotzky and therefore identified with the opposition group, his boss, Foreign Commissar Jorge Tchitcherin (pronounced teachereen) prefers him out rather than in the country.