Monday, Sep. 26, 1927

Dinner Talk

Talking at Duluth, Minn., last week, at a dinner to his veteran employes, Chairman Robert Wright Stewart of Standard Oil Co. of Indiana said: "The Standard Oil Co. of Indiana is the largest manufacturer of gasoline in the world, yet alone we could not supply the demand of the 11 states in the Middle West in which we market our products. If we had a monopoly we would not know what to do with it. I suspect our enhanced problems of production and distri- bution would drive some of us to an early grave."

Chairman Stewart was a major with the Spanish-American War Rough Riders; held a colonelcy during-long years with the South Dakota National Guard. He was in South Dakota politics before becoming Standard Oil Co. of Indiana's general attorney in 1907. He is a large man, at 61 years hale and strong, a sturdy pacer to his executives at their work. He can do so, Barron's Weekly revealed last week, by means of a trick of recuperation that he has developed. He can go to sleep at will--for minutes or hours, to wake up later refreshed. While traveling in his company's airplane Stanolind he takes his naps.