Monday, Sep. 26, 1927

Little Rebels

Good Morning to you, Good Morning to you, Good Morning, Dear Teacher, Good Morning to you. go--when September winds call them home from the wild streets and fields--obedient children, bringing fruit or flowers, are accustomed to chant to fresh-faced schoolmarms. William Albertson, a boy whose arithmetic was always wrong, hummed no such homage as he lounged carelessly into his sixth-grade seat at the Brainard Public

School, Mount Holly, N. J. When Teacher Caroline Carroll stood up smartly with an American flag, all the other pupils raised their right hands in the trig salute that they had been taught to use. Not so William Albertson, who merely waggled one grimy paw. Said Teacher Carroll: "William Albertson, you salute that flag!" Smirked William Albertson: "Aw, I did salute it, didn't I, good enough?" Dullards sniggered, smart alecks frowned, Teacher Carroll made her face look stern. "You come with me, William Albertson, right now," said she. Out in the hall she seized William Albertson, shook his slouching shoulders with vigor. William Albertson, ruffled and ashamed, said "Let me go"; then with his fist he bashed Teacher Carroll's nose. When she screamed with pain and rage, teachers and pupils rushed into the hallway. Soon five policemen in blue coats ran through the door, the children ran back into their classrooms to sit primly at their desks, William Albertson ran home crying. Later he was arrested.

At the Morrisville High School, in Doylestown, Pa., Miss Mary Bones was the instructor in athletics: Miss Ruth Steiner, a brawny girl, was the captain of the girls' basketball team. One afternoon, a youth, watching Ruth Steiner as she capered in dusty bloomers, squawked to her teammates, was moved to make an insulting remark. Infuriated, Ruth Steiner asked Miss Bones to make the youth apologize. Miss Bones re- fused, smiling at the intensity of Ruth Steiner. Later when they met on the street, Ruth Steiner grabbed Miss Bones, punched her face, scratched her shoulders, kicked her shins. Last week Ruth Steiner was fined $100.