Monday, Sep. 26, 1927

The Coolidge Week

P:The Chief Executive spent an active week acquainting himself with the devices and desires of the Cabinet, the legislators and many minor executives. He re-examined his decision against a special session of Congress (see THE CONGRESS). He heard Senator Borah of Idaho on the subject of the onion tariff and Representative Dan A. Sutherland of Alaska on the subject of salmon being disturbed by earthquakes. General John H. Russell, High Commissioner to Haiti, paid respects before returning to his post. Governor General M. L. Walker of the Panama Canal Zone conferred for a half-hour. They were but a few of a long procession from Officialdom of which a great part simply wanted to welcome the Chief back to Washington.

P: While college students prepared to remove "conditions" and school pupils took up "home work" again, the President intensified his study of problems on which he must act this autumn and winter. What to spend on the U. S. merchant marine was apparently one self-assignment, for at a press conference the President voluntarily opined that U. S. shippers and importers should insist on U. S. bottoms.

P:The President informally suggested that the Assistant Secreta- ries-for-Air of the War, Commerce and Navy Departments might in- vestigate transoceanic flying by civilians. Assistant Secretaries Davison, MacCracken and Warner met forthwith, decided that public opinion was a better deterent to foolhardiness than Government regulation.

P: Such persons as had not seen the President since he left for South Dakota, were struck by something which had been imperceptible to eyes that have been seeing the President right along. The President is thinner. His new gray suit buttons neat and flat in front where his old blue suits used to bulge slightly.

P:Arthur Brisbane, able journalist, was a luncheon guest. He was permitted to roam through the White House and observe the alter- ations--more bookshelves in the President's upstairs study; bigger and better linen closets ("Wives of Presidents in years to come will bless the name of Mrs. Calvin Coolidge," said Mr. Brisbane); a new rug in the Red Room in the middle of which is an angry eagle with E Pluribus Unum above his head, with an olive branch in his right claws, arrows in his left. The eagle is glaring at the arrows and Mr. Brisbane said: "Wise bird, he knows that if he takes care of his arrows, the olive branch will take care of itself."

P: Into the executive offices, from the Kingdom of Ethiopia, marched Dr. C. Martin, legal adviser to Prince Regent Ras Taffari of Ethiopia, bearing a handsome shield in a brilliant red case. The President, prohibited by law from accepting gifts from foreign countries, permitted the shield to repose on his desk until its proper disposi- tion should be advised.

P: One of the President's most important memorandums is: "Appoint a Governor-General of the Philippines, an Ambassador to Mexico, an Ambassador to Cuba." Last week his mind had to jot a postscript: "Item, a Governor of the Federal Reserve Board." Governor Daniel Richard Crissinger had tendered his resignation (See POLITICAL NOTES).