Monday, Sep. 12, 1927

Gold & Glory

More than $140,000 has been offered for transatlantic flights. Raymond Orteig's $25,000 for a flight between New York and Paris was won by the then Capt. Charles Augustus Lindbergh. The Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce's $15,000 was won by the Cham-berlin-Levine flight to Germany. About $100,000 rests unclaimed. The Philadelphia Evening Bulletin posted $25,000 for a flight from Europe to Philadelphia; the Boston Chamber of Commerce pledged $25,-000 for a flight from Europe to Boston; the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce will give $25,000 for a plane to alight in Cleveland from Paris. Sir John Carling offered $25,000 for a flight between London, Ontario, and London, England.

P:Last week Flyers James Medcalf and Terry Tully jumped up from London, Ontario, and pointed their ship, the Sir John Carling, toward London, England. They flew for five hours, fought storms, returned to London, Ontario.

Again Flyers James Medcalf and Terry Tully jumped up from London, Ontario, and pointed east. This time they fought fog. Far south of their course and unable to proceed they surrendered to the fog. In a farmer's field at Washburn, Me., the Sir John Carlmo came down undamaged. P: The same day the Royal Windsor jumped up from Windsor, Ontario, and headed east. Late that night a telephone tinkled tidings to tho world from St. Johns, Quebec. The Royal Windsor had landed with one wing afire. The blaze was extinguished. Regretfully Flyers Clarence Schiller and Phil Wood took from the ship a wreath marked "Nungesser-Coli" which they had hoped to drop as a memorial into the vast grey sea. P:For nearly a mile a huge Farman Bluebird snorted and rolled, gathering speed at Le Bourget Field, Paris. It rose, surprising some, for it weighed twelve tons. It was the largest ship yet to attempt the transatlantic flight. It rose slowly. Vainly Leon Givon and Pierre Corbu, French flyers, tried to put it above 1,000 feet. Pointing westward, they found a blinding mist. After a three-hour struggle, they felt it foolhardy to fly through fog with 1,000 feet maximum altitude, gave up temporarily the transatlantic flight, returned to Le Bourget. P:Capt. F. T. Courtney, English flyer, waited almost all summer to make the treacherous westward passage across the Atlantic in his flying boat, The Whale. With autumn coming and weather chances fading, he hopped off from Plymouth, England. Fearing the dangerous northern route on which were lost Nungesser and Coli, and the Princess Lowenstein-Wertheim, Courtney steered for the Azores. Head winds and thick weather fought with him. Cautious, he turned his ship and came down on the Spanish coast. With him came down a navigator, a mechanic and E. B. Hosmer, rich Montrealer who had paid him huge, sums ($10,000 was quoted) for a ride across the Atlantic.