Monday, Jul. 25, 1927
Biggest Advertisers
The McClure Newspaper Syndicate last week sent to able businessmen a chart listing the largest spenders of advertising money in the U. S. during 1926. The list:
Chevrolet Motor Co.: $4,095,000.
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. (Camel cigarets, Prince Albert tobacco) : $4,034,000.
Postum Co. Inc. (Postum, Grape-Nuts) : $3,527,000.
Lambert Pharmacal Co. (Listerine) : $3,484,000.
American Tobacco Co. (Lucky Strike cigarets) : $3,323,000.
Procter & Gamble Co. (Ivory Soap, Crisco) : $3,051,000.
Dodge Brothers, Inc.: $3,038,000.
Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. (Fatima, Chesterfield cigarets, Velvet tobacco): $2,717,000. Lever Bros. Co. (Lux, Lifebuoy, Rinso) : $2,614,000.
Willys-Overland, Inc.: $2,604,000.