Monday, May. 23, 1927

The Coolidge Week

Last week President Coolidge, among other activities--

P: Directed Coast Guard aircraft and cutters guarding the transatlantic lanes against icebergs to aid in the search for Captains Nungesser and Coli, missing French flyers (see p. 26).

-c- Conferred at breakfast with Chairman Francis E. Warren ot che Senate Appropriations Committee, Chairman Martin B. Madden of the House Appropriations Committee, and a group of Senators and Representatives; discussed the Mississippi flood situation. Senators present included William E. Borah of Idaho and Edwin S. Broussard of Louisiana.

-c- Awaited a Department of Justice report before taking action on petitions for executive clemency for Earl Carroll, Manhattan theatrical producer, convicted of perjury in connection with a now famed bathtub incident.

-c- At No. 15 Dupont Circle, pressed a button that raised a bridge that opened the new Delaware & Chesapeake Canal.

-c- Conferred, reputedly concerning appointments of judges in Western and Northern New York, with Charles S. Whitman (onetime Governor of New York) and members of the New York Bar.

-c- Returned from his desk at the White House Monday noon; was ordered to bed by his physician, because of a bronchial cold.

Among activities indirectly concerning the President last week were--

-c- Col. Edward W. Starling, presidential vacation-home seeker (TIME, May 16), inspected the Franklin Floete estate, offered for the President's period of summer relaxation. At Spencer, Iowa, a delegation of 50 Iowans met Colonel Starling, took him on a tour through the vicinity of Spirit Lake. Colonel Starling, with many a prospective site yet to see, neither encouraged nor discouraged the Floete "boom." -c-A swarm of bees which settled in a tree on the White House grounds last October were identified by government bee culturists as the same swarm which last October escaped from the grounds of the Smithsonian Institution.