Monday, May. 16, 1927
To the Mormons
Complacent, President Herbert W. Reherd administers Westminster College, Presbyterian institution at Salt Lake City, Utah. Enterprising, he regularly advertises his school in the Presbyterian, one of the denomination's weekly magazines. Blatant, considering himself the missionary to the Mormons, he had this advertisement printed in the Presbyterian last week:
Serving a Mormon Empire
Service is a keyword in commercial life today. The Mormons, who are the dominant religious forces in a western empire of more than 500,000 square miles, need service. They have a materialistic religion and need to be supplied with the spiritual religion, of the New Testament. Utah's Westminster College is serving this great Mormon Empire by preparing leaders who are taught a spiritual religion.
Two trainloads of Presbyterians, who will be on their way to the 139th annual General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America at San Francisco the end of May, have decided to break their journey at Salt Lake City to study the Mormon field where Dr. Reherd labors.