Monday, May. 09, 1927
Gasoline Prices
Because companies pumping crude oil have not worked together, retail prices of gasoline have been dropping throughout the U. S. In Los Angeles last week the tank wagon price (usually two cents below the gasoline station price) was 6.5 cents a gallon. A survey of tank wagon prices elsewhere:
Atlanta 16.5 Memphis 14.0 Baltimore 16.0 Milwaukee 16.1 Birmingham ,.. 16.0 Minneapolis 15.2 Boston .. 19.0 Newark 16.0 Butte ... 19.0 New Orleans 12.5 Chicago .. 16.0 New York .. 19.0 Cleveland . ... 16.0 Omaha 13.25 Dallas 10.0 Philadelphia 15.0 Denver 15.0 St. Louis ., ... 15.1 Des Moines 14.0 St. Paul 15.2 Detroit 16.8 San Francisco.... 9.0 Houston 12.0 Seattle 11.0 Indianapolis 16.2 Tulsa 13.0 Kansas City 15.0 Wilmington 16.0 Louisville ... 14.0