Monday, May. 09, 1927

Slow Strangulation

Senator Hiram Bingham of Connecticut, big-boned Yankee, father of seven sons, one of whom is now studying Chinese in Peking, arrived at that city last week, and was entertained by the great Chang Tso-lin, War Lord of Manchuria and North China, amid peculiarly harrowing circumstances. . . .

Marshal Chang is the self-proclaimed defender of foreigners in China, is known to be subsidized by Great Britain and Japan. His troops are the best in China, well drilled, equipped with guns from his own arsenals. Likewise the concubines, the motor cars, the palaces of Chang Tso-lin are the best in China. His might is the only right in North China. Despatches from correspondents of the New York Times and London Times agreed that at the very moment when Senator Bingham and Chang Tso-lin were sipping tea, Marshal Chang's officers were busy with a well calculated atrocity some few hundred yards distant. . . ,

The atrocity, dignified by the title of "execution," concerned 40 Chinese seized in a raid on the grounds of the Soviet Embassy at Peking (TIME, April 18), in violation of international law. Seized also were various documents which Chang Tso-lin's own interpreters translated as they pleased. These were introduced as evidence at a secret trial last week, and half the 40 prisoners were ordered strangled. They were not told which were to be strangled, which imprisoned or set free. They were simply herded into a compound a short distance from where Senator Bingham and War Lord Chang were drinking tea. . . .

By design, the strangulation of each prisoner was made as slow as possible, increasing the agony. Prisoners looking on did not know whether or not their throats would be the next to be squeezed, their eyes the next to bulge from tortured sockets. One prisoner was a woman. To strangle her took ten minutes.

Correspondent Walter Duranty of the New York Times cabled that Chang Tso-lin explained to Senator Bingham: "I maintain order. I will not allow anti-foreignism in my territory."

The Associated Press later reported: "Senator Hiram Bingham of Connecticut, after an interview with Marshal Chang Tso-lin, the Northern Chinese leader, yesterday, was the guest of the Anglo-American Association at luncheon today. He made a speech recounting humorously his adventures as an explorer in Latin-American countries."