Monday, May. 02, 1927

Steel' Meeting

At the annual stockholders' meeting of the U. S. Steel Corp. in Manhattan last week, Judge Gary beamed at 250 investors, the greatest number he had ever seen at such a meeting. The rest of the corporation's 160,000 shareholders sent in their voting proxies as usual. But these 250 wanted actually to hear their own voices voting to increase their capitalization from $868,583,600 to $1,071,904,000. This nominally approximates $203,321,000 on the common stock. The market value of the new shares, however, is close to $260,000,000.

Other diversions of the meeting: Judge Gary, to emphasize that there were brains in the corporation, patted President James Augustine Farrell on the head--strenuously. Of dividends on the increased stock, the Judge said: "The dividend, I believe, will be 1% [as at present]." Scientist Robert Andrews Millikan will direct the corporation's research laboratories. Luncheon consisted, as usual, of sandwiches, apple, coconut and pumpkin pies, ice cream and coffee.