Monday, May. 02, 1927


The New Yorker, weekly smart-chart, last week published an anecdote about a gentleman with a familiar but "unplaceable" face. The gentleman had entered a Manhattan sport goods store and inquired of the clerk: "What do you charge for blowing up old squash tennis balls that have gone

Surprised, the clerk answered that he had never heard of its being done, called in the proprietor for consultation. The customer advised the proprietor that he thought it could be accomplished by the same machine that was employed in inflating new balls. The proprietor admitted the possibility, and after due thought about the price of new squash balls (50c) set a price of ten cents for each reinflated ball.

"Very well," said the gentleman, send down to the Whitehall Club for two dozen and get them back as quickly as you can, please. The name is John D. Rockefeller Jr."