Monday, May. 02, 1927

Average Farm

The U. S. Census Bureau has counted U. S. farms. They number 6,371,640. Last week a census summary was published presenting a composite picture of the average U. S. farm, the first such picture ever made. Farmers can now discover whether their husbandry is above or below average by checking against the following table:

Total Value--$7,776

Buildings worth $1,847

Machinery and implements worth $422

Land--145 acres worth $40.85 per


64 acres pasture 24 acres woodland 13 acres corn 11 acres hay 8 acres wheat 6 acres oats, alfalfa, etc.

Trees--22 apple, 14 peach, 4 pear, 60 grape vines.

Produce--56 bu. white potatoes, 6 bu. sweet potatoes, 18 Ib. tobacco, 24 bu. apples, 8 bu. peaches.

Animals--3 horses, 1 mule, 9 cattle, 8 swine, 6 sheep, 64 chickens.

Animal Produce (not consumed by average farmer and family)-- 300 doz. eggs, 36 Ib. wool. 418 gal. milk, 7 gal. cream, 166 Ib. butter fat, 100 Ib. butter.

One farm in five is mortgaged for 40%. Two in five are on unimproved roads. One in twelve has a tractor, one in six a radio.