Monday, Apr. 25, 1927

Tots Arrested

Puzzled policemen in Constantinople arrested last week "on suspicion" two little Greek boys aged 5 and 7, caught in the act of flying kites adorned with the blue and white stripes of the Greek flag. No doubt existed in the minds of the police that a crime had been committed; but they could not decide what crime. Soon telegrams flew between Constantinople and the new Turkish Capital, Angora. . . .

Dictator-President Mustafa Kernel Pasha, styled Ghazi, "The Victorious," issued an executive order: "Throughout the Turkish Republic no toy or recreational device shall be adorned in any manner with the colors of a foreign power."-- Lenient, the Dictator made his decree non-retroactive; but in Constantinople the arrested kite-fliers were severely rebuked before being released, blubbering.