Monday, Apr. 04, 1927

Chemistry Institute

Chemists with new theories to push, new information to divulge, hard questions to ask, are expected from all over the world at an "institute" or congress to be held at Pennsylvania State College by the American Chemical Society next July. Last week the Society's president, Dr. George D. Rosengarten of Philadelphia, appointed a committee to arrange and direct the institute's program. Since pure research is now being pursued as vigorously by industry as in academe, it was not surprising to find more industrial employes than college professors on the committee, which included: Dean Gerald L. Wendt of physics and chemistry at Penn State; Professor Frank C. Whitmore, chemistry head at Northwestern University; Director Willis R. Whitney of chemical research at the General Electric Co.'s Schenectady laboratories; Chemical-Director C. M. A. Stine of E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.; Research Director C. E. K. Mees of the Eastman Kodak Co.; Frederick W. Willard of the Western Electric Co., Chicago.