Monday, Apr. 04, 1927
Papal Policy
P: Significant of Papal willingness to cooperate in the furtherance of human rectitude, was the drawing up and presentation to the Italian Chamber, last week, by a Roman Catholic Deputy of a new law vigorously suppressing pornography and salaciousness of every sort, on the stage, on the cinema, newspapers, books, phonograph records, paintings, sculpture, advertisements. ...
P: Pleasing to the Holy See was a despatch from Chile, last week, announcing that the Archbishop of Santiago, Monsignor Crescentio Errazuriz, had so far prevailed on the Chilean Government to modify its Constitutional attempt to suppress Roman Catholic instruction in the schools that hereafter such instruction will be optional with the parents of pupils. It will be imparted not by State paid teachers; but by priests whose expenses must be defrayed by the Church.
Catholics rejoiced that this compromise has been reached in Chile, hoped that the Mexican Government--still adamant against Catholicism (TIME, Feb. 22, 1926 et seq.)--may yet be similarly prevailed upon.