Monday, Mar. 28, 1927
Carnegie Hall rang last week, as it does annually, with college songs as they are never sung at college. One after another the glee clubs of a dozen universities filed out on the stage, dropped their chins, eyed their leader and gave vent, first to a song of their own choice, then to the required piece--"The Lotus Flower," it was this year, by Robert Schumann-- and last to what newsgatherers love to call an "alma mater." Music Critic Olin Dowries of the New York Times, introduced by Dr. Walter Damrosch, presided over a board of judges which marked the young gentlemen's tone, diction, pitch, ensemble, interpretation. Conferring afterwards, the judges declared that the title had been retained by the melodious 1926 champions from Wesleyan University, whose voluntary contribution was "The Long Day Closes," by Arthur Seymour Sullivan. Young gentlemen from the University of Missouri, champions at home, were not downcast when voted second best. They took a train to Washington where they were shown the sights, received at the War Department and White House, treated to lunch, tea, dancing, dinner. Besides Yale, which sang third, Columbia, Dartmouth, Princeton, Fordham, New York University, Middlebury, Penn State, Furman, Ohio Wesleyan and the University of California, also sang.