Monday, Mar. 28, 1927
Snooping Fascists, at Naples, followed a hearse. Snifting, they inhaled the aroma of fresh bread. Soon the mortician was handcuffed, his hearse found to contain 60 pounds of finest pure white loaves. Weeping, imploring, the wretched culprit was dragged away, was jailed. He had broken the law forbidding the baking, transport, or sale within Italy of bread whiter than the "economy loaf" imposed by Signor Mussolini--a loaf either of whole wheat flour, or of white flour mixed with coarser grain. Since the mortician-baker had with him a list of rich Neapolitans who have been buying his bootlegged bread, these potent folk trembled, feared arrest or Fascist reprisals for their iniquity.