Monday, Mar. 21, 1927

Of Oregon

Most Senators get into the news for what they say. Retiring Senator Robert Nelson Stanfield of Oregon is news for what he does. In September, 1925, he was arrested on charges of throwing crockery drunkenly around a restaurant. The case against him was dropped, but the incident contributed to his defeat in the Senatorial elections last year. Then in July, 1926, he fought a menacing undertow for 15 minutes at Ocean City, Md., rescued a drowning woman. Last week he was greeted with a law suit; two Manhattan modistes demanded that he pay them $1,121 for his daughter's trousseau/---a bill which has been due for more than a year. Mrs. Stanfield announced that the account would soon be paid.

But why has Mr. Stanfield, once a millionaire sheep rancher, neglected a bill of a mere thousand dollars? Perhaps one reason is "The Boar's Nest," famed Washington gambling institution closed a year ago, where Mr. Stanfield's poker is said to have cost him some $250,000. In spite of such unfavorable publicity, he leaves Congress with many friends, who admire him as a gentleman of impulses.

/- One green chiffon evening dress $150

One black net evening dress 118

One rose satin evening dress 125

One rose flat crepe street dress 85

One green satin street dress 100

One wedding gown 200

One blouse 25

Alterations on gowns 25

Mrs. Grantland's carfare to Washington 20

Other alterations 13

One suit 126

One coat 135