Monday, Mar. 14, 1927
God Explained
Did God speak through the psalmist who wrote: O daughter of Babylon, . . . Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones. ( PSALMS 137:8, 9)?
Did God speak through Samuel who ordered the destruction of the Amalekites, women and children included (I SAMUEL 15:3)?
A correspondent posed these questions to the editor of the Presbyterian, staunchest fundamentalist periodical of that denomination, published in Philadelphia. The editor of the liberal, undenominational Christian Century amused its readers by reprinting the Presbyterian's reply: ". . . We believe they are the very word of God expressing his just and holy judgment against the apostate wicked through the ages. . . . God is not only love; He is also holy and just, and has declared that He will visit for iniquity. ... It was a mercy to the little babes which were involved in this fearful wickedness and suffering to be taken out of it, even through the door of death; for they being irresponsible, would be received into the glory and joy of their Lord."