Monday, Mar. 14, 1927


P: Foreign Secretary Aaron Saenz received, last week, a secret note from U. S. Secretary of State Frank Billings Kellogg and sent back a reply likewise secret.

P: Sen0r Don Manuel Tellez, Mexican Ambassador to the U. S., suddenly left Washington, last week, journeyed as far toward Mexico as St. Louis, then returned to Washington, finally set out again for Mexico.

P: A sheaf of secret notes written between President Plutarco Calles of Mexico and U. S. Senator William E. Borah, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, was made public last week by the Senator amid hubbub.

Their purport was that Mr. Borah had asked Se&241;or Calles "what per cent of the oil lands "held by U. S. citizens in Mexico had been submitted by their owners to the requirements of the confiscatory Mexican law (TIME, Feb. 1). Se&241;or Calles replied "6%," whereas Secretary of State Kellogg has said "90%."

This discrepancy could not be ignored, and Republican news organs therefore poked much fun at the indiscreetly Latin conclusion of the Mexican President's letter to Senator Borah. It was:

"God grant the data submitted to you may be of use.

Affectionately, (Signed) PRESIDENT CALLES"