Monday, Mar. 14, 1927

The Legislative Week

The Senate--

P: Passed the Prohibition reorganization bill. (Bill went to the President, was signed.)

P: Adopted a report of the Privileges and Elections Committee exonerating Senator Arthur R. Gould of Maine of bribery charges.

P: Filibustered 40 1/2 hours to defeat resolution which would continue the life of Senator James A. Reed's investigating committee (see below).

P: Failed, because of the filibuster, to pass several important non-partisan bills: the Second Deficiency bill, carrying funds of $93,700,000 necessary to maintain part of the army and other Government organizations; the Public Buildings bill carrying $125,000,000; the Alien Property Claims bill; the Disabled Emergency Officers Retirement bill; the Medicinal Liquor bill. (Although the Administration may be embarrassed by the lack of funds in some departments, it can, by shrewd management, make 95% of the year's appropriations run the Government until the 70th Congress meets in December.)

P: Adjourned sine die.

The House--

P: Passed a bill to elevate the guns on the battleships Oklahoma and Nevada. (Bill went to the President, was signed.)

P: Dropped impeachment charges against Federal Judge Frank Cooper of the Northern District of New York.

P: Defeated, 198 to 183, the Fenn bill which would reapportion Congressional membership.

P: Adjourned sine die.