Monday, Mar. 07, 1927

In Oklahoma

Governor Henry Simpson Johnston of Oklahoma, who used to lecture on the religious aspects of the Ku Klux Klan, is a profound student of ritualism, spiritualism, occultism, etc. One day he found a married woman, Mrs. O. O. Hammonds, who could plumb the depths of Rosicrucian* philosophy with him. Together they plumbed.

Governor Johnston was so pleased that he made her his "executive secretary," his confidential adviser. He appointed her husband State Health Commissioner. She suggested other appointments; grew flippant and haughty toward political leaders. Last week internal affairs in Oklahoma reached an apogee when one of the Governor's friends in the State Senate introduced a resolution demanding the dismissal of Mrs. O. O. Hammond, declaring she was offensive to the Senate. Governor Johnston can take his choice: Rosicrucian philosophy or political tranquility.

*Secret sect which claims to understand the mysteries of Nature; founded in Europe, 1313.