Monday, Feb. 28, 1927
Had they been interviewed, some people who figured in last week's news might have related certain of their doings as follows: Samuel Insull, organizer of electricity: "In Chicago last week I went to a hall in the black belt to address the National Negro Press Association. I waited two hours for the meeting to begin. Then I said: 'If St. Peter uses a white man's time-table the Negro will never get to the land beyond.' 'Thriftlessness,' said I, 'is the Negro's great handicap--thriftlessness of time, health, money.' Chicago Commissioner of Health Bundesen followed me, urged Negroes to eat properly so as to avoid anemia, pneumonia, rickets." Pliny Fisk, financier: "After dining in a Columbus Circle restaurant one evening last week, I walked toward my hotel, on the upper west side of Manhattan, alone. A large Negro brushed roughly by me. 'Be careful how you are walking,' said I. 'Mind you' own business,' he retorted. An instant later this Negro, with two companions who sprang from nowhere, seized and dragged me into the hallway of a frowsy house. Telling about it later, I said: 'They almost strangled me, but I kept my wits. I observed their faces carefully. One of them threatened to kill me. "For God's sake don't," I cried. "My money is in my left trouser pocket." They wrenched $25 out of my pocket and fled to the roof of the house. I found a policeman, was able to identify one Charles Logan when he was captured. Said I: "I was lucky." Charles Logan had an ugly knife.'" Edward of Wales: "In London smart young dancing men have been observed smoking 'midget cigarets,' half standard size. The fashion was attributed to me under headlines: 'BETWEEN-DANCES FAGS MADE TO PLEASE WALES.' I have a midget cigaret case." Roald Amundsen, discoverer of the South Pole: "In Havana, the Gaceta de Policia displayed the picture of a face with notice of $2,000 reward for capture of the criminal so described. The face was mine. Next day, police officials confessed the error, denied that I was the criminal wanted." Elihu Root: "Last week, a few days after my 82nd birthday, when I had refused to be interviewed, Rumor cried I was dead. Servants, at my home, No. 998 Fifth Ave., Manhattan, told newspapermen I was accustomed to sleep late." The Rev. Canon Frederic Lewis Donaldson, first Socialist ever to become a Canon of Westminster Abbey: "In Barnet, suburb of London, I said: 'The silk [top] hat is a vicious, vile, ugly symbol of the ungodly Victorian. It is hard, unyielding, uncomfortable and pretentious, with an outside gloss and an inside smell. It is responsible for much of the baldness of the late generation which it typifies.'" . Rudyard Kipling, poet-story-teller: "My wife and I, aged 61, arrived last week in Rio de Janeiro. It became known that a Brazilian admirer, conscious of my flair for describing animals (both domestic and wild) had sent to my hotel an armadillo, a creature for whose origin I facetiously accounted in my Just So story about the porcupine and the tortoise. I kept the gift one day, then I returned it explaining: 'Hotel-life is too terrible a fate for an armadillo.' "*
Joseph Leiter, Chicago millionaire: "Cruising in to New Orleans from Chateau Canard, my duck-shooting lodge on the Mississippi delta, my yacht Emmie struck a snag, sank quickly. I had to take to a small duckboat with my three shooting companions and the Emmie's crew of two. But we were only 600 feet off shore and safely reached a swamp where the water was only two feet deep. We made ourselves 'comfortable' on logs while the crew rowed away for help. Through shooting, I was on my way to Chicago to defend myself in court against my sister, the Countess of Suffolk, who sued to remove me as trustee of the $30,000,000 estate of our father."
John D. Rockefeller: "Last week in Ormond Beach, Fla., three skilled ladies (with bows and arrows) beat me and two men (with clubs and spheres). We were all playing golf (see p. 27)."
Dwight Whitney Morrow, Morgan partner: "In Englewood, N. J., where I live, Principal Euphemia Creighton of the Dwight School for Girls announced that one of her new teachers next fall will be my daughter Elisabeth.* Headlines reported: ANOTHER HEIRESS CHOOSES CAREER. Graduate of Smith College, she has recently studied in France." Dr. John T. Dorrance, President, Campbell Soup Co.: "My daughter Elinor who last autumn went to work in my Camden, N. J., soup factory (TIME, Nov. 8) and then to Europe because of the publicity attendant upon her soup-making (TIME, Jan. 24), last week returned with me from Europe. I refused to make any statement. All she would say was: 'I am going back to work.' But the American Telephone and Telegraph Co. had just linked St. Louis with other cities/- enjoying telephoto service. So Elinor's was one of the first pictures flashed to the St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Four hours after the S. S. Mauretania docked, St. Louis saw Elinor standing by the Mauretania's rail, most prominently on the Globe-Democrat's front page."
President Henry Noble MacCracken of Vassar College: "Some men amused themselves and my white puppy, Riff-Raff, by throwing sticks for the latter to fetch out on the thin ice of Sunset Lake [Vassar campus pond]. Once the stick skittered far from shore. Riff-Raff, scampering after it, saw too late a hole yawning in the ice. He set his feet, slid into eight feet of water. The men on shore idly discussed how best to save the floundering, choking puppy. Not so Celeste Corcoran, 20-year old Vassar senior. Treading lightly but swiftly, crawling the last few yards, she went to Riff-Raff across the cracking ice, dragged him out, wrapped him in her coat, returned to shore, glared at the men and said: 'You men make me sick and tired.'" Fraulein Clairenore Stinnes, daughter of the late famed industrialist Hugo Stinnes: "I announced last week that next May I will set out to circle the globe and visit all important countries of both hemispheres, accompanied only by two male auto mechanicians. We shall proceed as much as possible by land in a six-cylinder German sedan accompanied by a high speed truck. I have already won the 1926 South German reliability tour of 500 miles against a field of 50 male and female drivers." Lord Amherst: "My cousin, Miss Victoria Drummond, a god-daughter of Her late Majesty, Queen Victoria, recently obtained her 'ticket' as a fully qualified seagoing marine engineer. It became known that she had served her time in an engine room at sea, performing all the duties of her male colleagues including boiler-inspection. Whether she will now go to sea or remain on shore as consulting marine-engineer has not been announced." Robert Howard Lord,* Professor of history at Harvard: "It was announced last week that I had resigned from the Harvard faculty, to prepare myself for Roman Catholic priesthood." Sinclair Lewis, author: "In London I said: 'I have finished a book. I have been working hard for a year and all the time I have been homesick for England. For the last eleven years the longest time I have stayed in one place was eight months and that was when I was in London. I cannot keep still. If I stay like this my grandchildren will be tying me to a tree in the back yard. . . .I have decided to loaf about the world for two years and shall probably be all over the place unless stopped and made to write another book. Sometimes I wish I was just a plain, ordinary newspaper man again.'" George Bernard Shaw: "To the Anglo-Swedish Literary Foundation, which I established with the $35,000 Nobel Prize for Liberature awarded me for 1925 (TIME, Nov. 22, Nov. 29) I last week gave the first assignment: To translate all the works of August Strindberg, satirical, gloomy, thrice-married, woman-hating Swedish essayist, fictionist and dramatist. Author Strindberg, (1849-1912) is famed for his bitter efforts to counteract the Scandinavian feminist movement fostered by Dramatist Henrik Ibsen of Norway."
*A mail-clad mammal, order Edentata, family Dasypodidae, native to Central and South American plains and forests. The largest species reaches one yard in length. Nocturnal, omnivorous, armadillos do not fight but burrow rapidly or roll up into bony balls when attacked. Armadillos lately came to fame in the U. S., when one was presented to President Coolidge. The little known fact then came to light that the armadillo has young in litters of four, all of the same sex, be it male or female.
*One of four children, the others being Anne S., Dwight W. Jr., Constance C. Her grandfather Morrow was for many years Superintendent of Schools in Allegheny City (Pittsburgh).
/-The other seven to date: New York, Boston, Cleveland, Atlanta, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco.
*Magna cum laude Harvard '06, technical adviser to the Paris Peace Commission, author of The Second Partition of Poland, The Origin of the War of 1870 and (with Professors Charles Downer Hazen and Archibald Gary Coolidge and the late William R. Thayer) Three Peace Congresses of the Nineteenth Century.