Monday, Feb. 21, 1927
S.S.Alfonso XIII
Art lovers, surfeited with exhibits of ship models, examined with pleasure in Manhattan, last week, an actual ship which is a work of art.
This was the Alfonso XIII, of 30,000 tons, reputedly the most expensive ship, ton for ton, ever to call at Manhattan. For three years she has plied between Spain and Mexico. Last week she inaugurated a sailing service between Manhattan and Spain.
The dining-rooms and salons of the Alfonso XIII are in the rich 17th Century Spanish style, hung with priceless Goya tapestries. Her promenade is finished in arabesques and tiled with Moorish mosaic recalling the Alhambra.
When the Alfonso XIII docked, last week, there strode down her gangplank the Count de Guelle, Marquis de Comillas, "the richest grandee of Castile" ($150,000,000. His Majesty King Alfonso XIII will visit the U. S. within a year.