Monday, Feb. 14, 1927
The Cream
THE CREAM . P: There is no room in TIME for the second-rate, the inconsequential. The following new books are advertised here by their publishers only at the express invitation of TIME's Book Editor. Not all the good books are here advertised; but all the books here advertised are good. P: They are books selected from extensive lists as being of outstanding merit and interest for TIME-readers. Laudatory "blurbs" are purposely omitted, being unnecessary. Each book's mere presence in the list testifies to its excellence; each book admitted has been, or will be, descriptively reported in TIME text. P: Reading these books you will partake of the cream of this season's literature.
Fiction DOOMSDAY -- Warwick Deeping* -- Knopf ($2.50). A Pandora of rural England. TOMORROW MORNING -- Anne Parish -- Harper ($2). A mother's sacrifice; tears, smiles, aspiration. TAR: A MIDWEST CHILDHOOD -- Sherwood Anderson -- Boni & Liveright ($3). A Huckleberry Finn in lower Ohio. THE PLUTOCRAT -- Booth Tarking ton -- Doubleday, Page ($2). An Illinois Caesar visits Carthage. CHILDREN OF THE MORNING -- W. L. George-- Putnam ($2). What became of 59 children stranded on a desert island. EAST SIDE, WEST SIDE -- Felix Riesenberg -- Har court, Brace ($2.50). Epical treatment of Manhattan, isle of psychlones. I'LL HAVE A FINE FUNERAL -- Pierre La Maziere -- Brentano ($2). Upholster's apprentice into French Senator, into cynic. JILL -- E. M. Delafield -- Harper ($2). Life in looser London. CUSTODY CHILDREN -- Everett Young -- Holt ($2.50). Battledore and shuttlecock with the daughter of divorcees. POWER -- Lion Feuchtwanger -- Viking Press ($2.50). The rise and fall of Jud Siisz, great Jew. SORREL AND SON -- Warwick Deeping* -- Knopf ($2.50). How a son justified his father's confidence.
PALMERSTON -- Phillip Guedalla -- Putnam ($5). "That last fragment of the 18th Century." FRANZ LISZT (L'HOMME D'AMOUR) -- Guy de Pourtales -- Translated by Eleanor Stimson Brooks -- Holt ($2.50). How European music turned romantic. GEORGE WASHINGTON : THE IMAGE AND THE MAN -- W. E. Woodward -- Boni & Liveright ($4). Light on the Father of His Country. GREAT NAMES: AN ANTHOLOGY -- MacVeagh-Dial ($5). A literary Who's Who with novel introductions by living English writers. Verse PERSON AE (Collected Poems) -- Ezra Pound -- Boni & Liveright ($3.50). An esthetic outline of history. Non-Fiction MISSISSIPPI STEAMBOATIN' -- Her bert and Edward Quick -- Holt ($3). Vivid history of a colorful epoch. HAWKERS AND WALKERS IN EARLY AMERICA -- Richardson Wright -- Lippincott ($4.50). A history of U. S. vagabondage, illustrated. THE STORY OF PHILOSOPHY -- Will Durant -- Simon & Shuster ($5). The sages humanized, from Socrates to John Dewey. THE MYTH OF THE INDIVIDUAL -- Charles W. Wood -- John Day ($2.50). Uncontroversial critique of the U. S. ego. INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL SOUTH AMERICA -- Annie S. Peck -- Crowell ($3.50). A mine of facts. THE NEW UNIVERSE -- Baker Brownell -- Van Nostrand ($4). A philosophic outline of knowledge from a consistent point of view. P: Should booksellers fail, the facilities of TIME's book department are at its readers' disposal to enlarge upon or order the above, or any other, books. Inclose cash or a check to the Book Editor, TIME the Newsmagazine, Penton Building, Cleveland, Ohio, making plain to whom you wish your purchases sent.
* Only lately brought to wide fame in the U.S., George Warwick Deeping of Surrey, England, has been publishing novels for 20 years. He is a Cambridge man (Trinity). He studied and practiced medicine before writing. Like most able Britons he has a War record ; a major in Gallipoli, Egypt, France. Countrified, he lists gardening, carpentry and "all outdoor work" among his recrea tions. Like A. S. M. (If Winter Comes) Hutchinson, he likes a bicycle.