Monday, Feb. 14, 1927

No. 15 Dupont Circle

Stanford White, famed architect slain by insane Harry K. Thaw, planned it. The fortune that paid for it was derived from the Chicago Tribune. It was built in 1904, the home of Editor Robert W. Patterson, who, like many of the Chicago Tribune family (Medill-McCormick-Patterson), included Washington as well as Chicago in his affairs. Editor Patterson died, his wife returned to Chicago, his daughter (Mrs. Elmer Schlesinger) took the house. Address: No. 15 Dupont Circle.

Last week it was announced that the Government will rent this house for the President and Mrs. Coolidge to occupy this spring while the White House is being repaired.

The House: four stories, marble, Italian architecture, 30 rooms. A Gobelin tapestry 25 x 10 feet depicts a hunting scene. The marble stairway is lined with heads of caribou, deer, elk, mountain goats, mountain lions killed by--

Mrs. Schlesinger on her Wyoming ranch. She, Eleanor, granddaughter of Tribune-founder Joseph Medill, married first one Count Gizycki. Her present husband was onetime general counsel of the U. S. Shipping Board and is now a member of Chadbourne, Stanchfield & Levy, Manhattan corporation lawyers. She recently wrote a book, Glass Houses, about Washington Society and Senators ("Red Hot Togas," said critics).

Neighborhood. Across the street stands the Leiter mansion wherein George Nathaniel Curzon, who later became the Marquess of Curzon, late famed Foreign Secretary of Great Britain, married Mary Victoria Leiter, heiress of Levi Z. Leiter, Chicago storekeeper. Andrew W. Mellon lives in an apartment a block away. Nearby is the Belgian Embassy and the home of the late Senator Lodge. The White House is ten blocks distant.