Monday, Feb. 07, 1927
When President Charles Edwin Mitchell of the National City Bank stated a month ago that his was the largest banking institution in the U. S., President Haley Fiske of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., pushed no buttons, hailed no secretaries to give President Mitchell the lie, for President Mitchell was nicely accurate. His is the largest banking institution in the U. S.--assets $1,394,389,890. But it is not the largest financial institution, President Fiske knew. But he would not spoil President Mitchell's day of publicity. He would wait until the annual meeting of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., and then he would tell the facts.
So he spoke last week. His company is not only the largest financial institution in the U. S. With assets of $2,108,004,000 it heads the world, thus:
Metropolitan Life $2,108,004,000
Midland Bank (Eng.) 2,054,955,000
Lloyds Bank (Eng.) 1,917,565,000
Barclays Bank (Eng.) 1,723,005,000
Westminster Bank (Eng.).... 1,516,700,000
National City Bank 1,394,389,890
Nat. Prov. Bank (Eng.) 1,388,850,000
Chase National 968,967,312
American Ex.-Irving Trust.... 740,553,716
Guarantee Trust 739,834,965
Nat. Bank of Commerce 717,114,643