Monday, Feb. 07, 1927

McAdooing, McUndooing

In Toledo, William Gibbs McAdoo ("I had almost forgotten his name," shouted Senator Bruce on the floor of the Senate) addressed a meeting of lawyers. He flayed the enemies of Prohibition. He flayed the evil existing, socially and politically, in large centres of population. Next day the time of the Senate was consumed with Democratic jabberdash and poly-wrangle. Pro-Smith Wets raged at McAdoo "bigotry," Anti-Smith Drys lauded the services of Mr. McAdoo as Secretary of the Treasury (1913-18) but regretted that he had felt called upon to re-enter the Presidential lists in the Toledo manner.

Senator Edwards: "He is as dead politically as a dried herring and knows it."

Senator Bruce: "He is dead and doesn't know it."

Earnest Democrats commented that the Democratic Party would be soon dead if McAdooing and McUndooing continued.